“When I found Michele, I wanted to lose weight, heal my digestive issues, and reduce my chronic pain. Her approach was different than anyone I had gone to before. I felt like she really got me. Not only did I lose weight, heal my digestive issues, and eliminate my pain, but I received so much more. I am continuing to reap the benefits of the health coaching sessions 2 years later because health coaching helped improve the quality of my whole life.”
“I came to Michele because I wanted to have a natural birth. I felt afraid of the pain and wasn’t sure I could do it. My husband and I took a series of classes with her, where we were able to voice our concerns and fears and were taught effective strategies to help us to feel more confident, empowered, and relaxed. Her classes helped us to bond with our baby, prepare for parenthood, implement supportive, empowering thought patterns, learn important, supportive birth positions and yoga Asanas, and prepare for post-partum. We had our homework to do in between sessions. She taught my husband supportive techniques for my labor. We learned effective affirmations and came up with a birth philosophy and plan that helped us understand our options. Her Mother-touch treatments helped to deeply relax me throughout my pregnancy. We were able to have the birth we wanted and our baby is happy and healthy!”
“Michele’s Mother-Touch sessions always help me to deeply relax and let go of everything. I received them throughout my pregnancy and post-partum, as well. I was able to nurse my baby during the session and I feel my relaxed state also helped my baby relax, as well. I always feel much “lighter”, balanced, and peaceful after the sessions.”
“When I came to Michele for Health Coaching, I had tried everything to lose weight. This was my last ditch effort. Her insightful questions unlocked something no one ever has before and I knew she was the one who could help me get to where I wanted to go. Not only did I lose weight, but my cravings went away, my sleep improved, and my pain and fatigue disappeared. I received much more than I expected!”
“In some cultures the word for “pregnant mother” is the same as the word for “new mother”, which essentially translates as motherbaby; implying that whatever affects the mother also affects the baby both before and after birth.”
“Birth is an opportunity to transcend. To rise above what we are accustomed to, reach deeper inside ourselves than we are familiar with and to see, not only what we are made of, but the strength we can access in and through birth.”
“When enough women realize that birth is a time of great opportunity to get in touch with their true power and when they are willing to assume responsibility for this, we will reclaim the power of birth and help move technology where it belongs, in the service of birthing women, not their master.”
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born, she never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.””