Our Greatest Addiction

                                   Our Greatest and Most Destructive Addiction

We currently live in a world that is glamorized through social media. We show the world what we want it to see. We show up in a way that we think the world will accept and approve of, disowning and leaving the parts behind that  we deem unworthy and that we feel shame around which ironically are often the critical aspects of our unique design and gift to the world. 

We live in a world that has literally been hijacked by technology. It has hijacked our time, attention, awareness, and connection with our true nature and with one another.  The most precious thing it has hijacked is our children!! They are our future and the future of this planet! We are constantly being bombarded, not only by frequencies that are not supportive of our mental and physical health, natural flow and balance, but with information that is telling us what and how to think. Everything you need is available on your phone or “watch” that you wear on your body that emits a constant frequency. Your bank accounts, apps, sleep and exercise tracking, music, videos, zoom calls, and mind numbing tick toc videos and facebook propaganda, ability to communicate, are all available by design on this one device. There are endless opportunities available through these devices that hijack your most valuable assets; your time, focus, and energy. We are being consumed , rather than consuming, and it is not just the adults. While babies are in utero, mom’s device is right next to her or even over her belly. The baby is rarely outside of the frequencies being emitted by computers, phones, and “watches.” This has become such a “normal” part of life that we fail to consider the  short and long-term effects and consequences these devices have on our unborn and developing children. Once they graduate from the womb, devices are made available to them to make our lives easier, to divert their attention so we can socialize and get things done without the inconvenience of being the necessary developmental focal point for our children. It can be justified in that it is educational. All of it takes a toll and impacts their attention span, behavior, and brain development while they are most vulnerable to the effects, because their brains are not fully developed. We are losing them, quite literally to these devices as they monopolize their attention and take them away from what they need for their true development and evolution. The content that pours through these hypnotic and brainwashing devices is another layer to this travesty. Parents shrug as they witness this, but who put the device in their hands in the first place? And WHY? There is a collective pressure to participate and fit in. What are our children fitting into and how is this considered “socializing”, connecting, or natural development? In order to reel our children back in and create an environment that fosters holistic development; true nourishment for their minds, hearts, bodies, and spirit, we must first recognize where we are hooked in and extract ourselves from the hypnotic state we have succumbed to over time and by design. We must create a whole new life, from the ground up in order to give our children a chance at thriving in this life they so courageously were born into. We need our children to stay in touch with their natural and Divine blueprint, so they can sing the note they were meant to sing and be the light they were meant to shine in this world.

     Sadly, this seems to be the exception, rather than the rule. From the moment a child is conceived and even prior, this sacred rite of passage is tampered with by worldly interventions that do not serve the unborn or their parents. Everything seems to have been altered from our food, to our water, to the information we are being given through media channels and our “educational” system,  how we conceive and birth, to what we  are told we need to have injected into our bodies and our children’s in order for us and the world to be safe. It is time to wake up and SEEEEEE what is going on. We do not wake up or see because our heads are down in our phones. We are numbed and dumbed down, and our attention is on what is false and creates disconnection, separation and diversion, your lifeforce and birthright are being stolen from you and your children. Your lives are passing you by while you sleep, dreaming you are awake. You came here for so much more. Being in this body at this time is a huge opportunity and gift, but you must be awake to see it, rise beyond this “imitation” life you are not truly living, so that you can truly embody and live the REAL life you were made for.

Michele Pedersen