Empowered Conception, Empowered Birth Program

Empowered Conception, Empowered Birth

Did you know that 80% of fertility challenges are related to diet and lifestyle habits that are affecting your hormonal balance? Did you also know that most fertility challenges are associated with both of the individuals who make up the couple? The rates of infertility have increased due to many factors that are within your control, which is why I have created a program that empowers you with several effective approaches to enhance your fertility, that have worked for hundreds of couples I have had the opportunity to work with over the years. If you have been struggling with the disappointment and heartbreak of fertility challenges and loss, I want you to know you are not alone. It is my heartfelt desire to share with you the approaches that will benefit you and your partner in lowering unhealthy stress levels, regulating your immune system, and hormone levels, and adopting a lifestyle that will greatly increase the possibility of turning your heartbreak into a healthy conception, pregnancy, and baby.

Joyful Fertility

This is a shout out to couples who want to conceive within the next year or who have been experiencing fertility challenges! I have put together a class, called “Joyful Fertility” which is specifically created to support couples in creating the strongest foundation possible for a healthy conception, pregnancy, birth, and baby. You will have the opportunity to learn some of the key pillars you want to consider implementing prior to your conception. I consider this class foundational to a couple’s fertility journey. I am beyond excited to share with you!

When you implement these key pillars, you will dramatically increase your chances of  having a healthy conception, pregnancy, baby, and birth outcome.

 This class is for you if you:

-Have experienced fertility challenges or miscarriage(s) and want to explore additional approaches you haven’t heard about, that are known to be effective in promoting fertility, conception, healthy pregnancies, and babies.

-Want to rekindle to joy and confidence in your body

-Want to rekindle the joy in your relationship

-Have not experienced fertility challenges, but want to explore and understand the significance of the suggested approaches in this program that research shows, you and your partner “should” strongly consider doing 6-9 months prior to conception to support you in experiencing your healthiest, happiest pregnancy, baby, birth, and postpartum transition possible.

Empowered Conception, Empowered Births Comprehensive Fertility Program, Part 2:

Fertility Massage and Health Coaching for Couples:


-strengthen your intimacy


What You Will Receive:

-3 , 90 minute virtual couples one-one sessions (45 minutes each) Each session will address your individual challenges and or intentions, where we will take a thorough look at your current diet, and lifestyle stressors and hormone disruptors addressed in Empowered Conception, Empowered Births Diet and Lifestyle Questionnaire and Wellness Wheel, so that you and your partner can create your own personalized fertility plan and create the healthiest pregnancy and baby-to-be

  1. First session- review your questionnaire; circle of life/Wellness Wheel; homework- journaling for self-awareness and to give you a measurable way to track and witness your progression.

  2. Second Session-Introduction to fertility promoting foods and a powerful mindfulness technique; homework- practice  the techniques  you learned, daily and journal your experience and progress; implement fertility enhancing foods into a recipe and meal; plan 3 meals

  3. Third Session -Create Fertility plan with weekly goals

-3 month Fertility health coaching support to strengthen, add to, and maintain your fertility plan(2- 90 minute sessions a month; 45 minutes each); continue to explore mindfulness techniques, set goals, receive support.

-Receiving 3 Fertility massage sessions that are known to promote fertility(in person)

*3 fertility massage appointments are designed to work in conjunction with any fertility treatments you may be receiving,  balance your hormones, lower your stress, break up pelvic congestion from emotional and physical stress, and prepare your body, mind, heart, and  your uterus to be strong and healthy for your baby -to- be.

Your  health coaching sessions will include:

-Setting SMART goals based on your fertility plan

- Experiencing 5 effective mindfulness techniques that will lower your stress and anxiety levels within minutes that you can use anytime.

- Learning about the essential foods and nutrients you and your partner need to be eating in order to eliminate harmful toxins from your body, promote fertility, and support a healthy conception and pregnancy.

-Creating Delicious personalized recipes with fertility enhancing foods.

-Learning specific yoga Asanas that improve blood flow to your glands, help regulate your 

hormones, and promote fertility.

- Learn additional approaches to promoting fertility

-A written summary of your session after each session, including the material from the lesson and/or a recording of the session for you to review.

-email support between sessions

-Additional health coaching sessions available for an additional fee

-Additional Fertility Massage Sessions available for an additional fee

-All fertility sessions are personalized for your specific needs and intentions

Set up your free 1/2 hour consultation with me to determine if this program is for you! Email michelepedersen66@gmail.com or text 443-745-3959 to schedule your appointment. List 3 days and times that work for you and I will return your message within 24 hours with a response. I’m looking forward to working with you!

Michele Pedersen