Certified Holistic Pregnancy Massage Practitioner
When a woman becomes pregnant she often has unknown restrictions in her fascia, ligaments, joints, and pelvic floor from trauma, injuries, accidents, chronic imbalanced movement patterns, hypermobile joints, or past birthing experiences that haven’t resolved physically and emotionally. As a certified holistic pregnancy bodywork practitioner, I incorporate specific manual skills, facial release, and CST techniques into the treatment of the pregnant person in order to release restrictions that can cause pain and discomfort during pregnancy, lead to a malpositioned baby, and subsequently adversely affect the birthing outcome for both mother and infant. If you are experiencing pubic symphysis pain, SI joint pain, piriformis syndrome, hip pain, back pain, or just want support with having an easier pregnancy, optimal baby position, birth, or postpartum experience you can contact me through Mother-touch.com or Therapeutic Kneads Wellness Center 410-549-7711. I’m looking forward to being apart of your beautiful journey!